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Vision & Values

Cromwell College Kawa

Aims, Values & Expectations

We expect members of our school community to pursue their full potential, Whāia te taumata, to pursue the highest peaks, and Deserve Success. We want them to be proud of themselves, their achievements and this place.

Our aim is to provide an environment where mutual respect and honesty underpin all dealings. We endeavour to develop young people of character and integrity – people who are compassionate, respect diversity and aspire to contribute positively to the school and wider community. We seek to instil the ability to think critically, accept responsibility and know what is right.

We value the pursuit of excellence and high expectations and we encourage persistence in the face of challenges. Our aim is to produce well rounded individuals who are able to actively participate and contribute in a wide variety of academic, sporting and cultural endeavour.

High expectations of ourselves and others and the pursuit of excellence.

Cromwell College Kawa

Our core values

Our core values have been identified through input from staff and students and reinforce our Aims and Expectations. They form our Cromwell College Kawa.

We are on a learning journey to fulfilling our potential so that we may become the best that we can be and Deserve Success.


School Haka